👋 Hey there! I’m Dominic a software developer proficient in Ruby on Rails, Hotwire (including Turbo + Stimulus), JS, APIs, Minitest, Capybara, Postgres, HTML, CSS(bootstrap) & Tailwind. 🚀
I’m currently looking for my next adventure, my last job was with Oblsk where we worked on some amazing projects like PLT4M where I solved user stories from developing new features, creating models, involving ORM queries Sequel, testing with Mini & Capy & CSS responsiveness. 🏃
Then we moved to work on H4H a non-profit org that needed a solution for its marketing team so they can create content easily, here we implemented Strapi API as a headless CMS and Tailwind design (fully-responsive). 🥊
I’m currently working on a Ruby for good project called CASA where I help them to solve stakeholders tickets, I’ve been doing this as a way of giving back to the community and keep learning since this project uses Rspec, bootstrap, JavaScript and bits of jQuery ✨.
I consider myself as very resilient and resourceful also I have learnt how to manage my emotional state and communicate efficiently and on time. 🔑
Here you may find my resume, LinkedIn, GitHub or if you want to drop me a line :)
Tech stack
🇺🇸 English - Professional
🇲🇽 Spanish - Native
🇩🇪 German - Basic